NAICS 238150 Glass and Glazing Contractors
NAICS Code: 238150
Code Title: Glass and Glazing Contractors
Code Sector: 23 - Construction
NAICS 238150 Glass and Glazing Contractors Description
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in installing glass panes in prepared openings (i.e., glazing work) and other glass work for buildings. The work performed may include new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.
Illustrative Examples
Decorative glass and mirror installation Glazing contractors Glass cladding installation Stained glass installation Glass coating and tinting (except automotive) contractors Window pane or sheet installation Glass installation (except automotive) contractors
Cross References
Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Installing prefabricated window units--are classified in Industry 238350, Finish Carpentry Contractors;
- The replacement, repair, and/or tinting of automotive glass--are classified in U.S. Industry 811122, Automotive Glass Replacement Shops.
Alternate Titles
- Curtain wall, glass, installation
- Decorative glass and mirror installation
- Glass cladding (i.e., curtain wall), installation
- Glass coating and tinting (except automotive) contractors
- Glass installation (except automotive) contractors
- Glass partitions, installation
- Glazing contractors
- Hermetically sealed window unit, commercial-type, installation
- Mirror installation
- Stained glass installation
- Window pane or sheet installation
NAICS 238150 Crosswalk
Crosswalk between the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) --
Crosswalk between the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Code Revision 4.0 --
- ISIC 4330 - Building completion and finishing