NAICS 33324 Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
NAICS Code: 33324
Code Title: Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
Code Sector: 31-33 - Manufacturing
NAICS 33324 Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Description
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial machinery, such as food and beverage manufacturing machinery, semiconductor manufacturing machinery, sawmill and woodworking machinery (except handheld), machinery for making paper and paper products, printing and binding machinery and equipment, textile making machinery, and machinery for making plastics and rubber products.
Cross References
Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Manufacturing agricultural and farm-type, construction, and mining machinery--are classified in Industry Group 3331, Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing;
- Manufacturing food and beverage packaging machinery or power-driven handtools--are classified in Industry 33399, All Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing;
- Manufacturing commercial and industrial refrigeration and freezer equipment--are classified in Industry 33341, Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing;
- Manufacturing commercial-type cooking and food warming equipment, automotive maintenance equipment (except mechanics' handtools), or photocopiers--are classified in Industry 33331, Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing;
- Manufacturing mechanics' handtools and other nonpowered handtools--are classified in Industry 33221, Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing.