NAICS 45211 Department Stores
NAICS Code: 45211
Code Title: Department Stores
Code Sector: 44-45 - Retail Trade
NAICS 45211 Department Stores Description
This industry comprises establishments known as department stores primarily engaged in retailing a wide range of the following new products with no one merchandise line predominating: apparel, furniture, appliances and home furnishings; and selected additional items, such as paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewelry, toys, and sporting goods. Merchandise lines are normally arranged in separate departments.
Cross References
Establishments primarily engaged in--
- Retailing packaged grocery items in combination with general lines of merchandise with no one merchandise line predominating--are classified in Industry 45291, Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters;
- Retailing apparel without a significant amount of housewares or general merchandise--are classified in Subsector 448, Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores;
- Retailing general lines of merchandise via electronic home shopping, mail-order, or direct sale--are classified in Subsector 454, Nonstore Retailers;
- Retailing used merchandise--are classified in Industry 45331, Used Merchandise Stores.