SIC 0175 Deciduous Tree Fruits

SIC Code: 0175

Code Title: Deciduous Tree Fruits

Code Division: A - Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing

SIC 0175 Deciduous Tree Fruits Description

Establishments primarily engaged in the production of deciduous tree fruits. Establishments primarily growing citrus fruits are classified in Industry 0174, and those growing tropical fruits are classified in Industry 0179.

  • Apple orchards and farms
  • Apricot orchards and farms
  • Cherry orchards and farms
  • Nectarine orchards and farms
  • Peach orchards and farms
  • Pear orchards and farms
  • Persimmon orchards and farms
  • Plum orchards and farms
  • Pomegranate orchards and farms
  • Prune orchards and farms
  • Quince orchards and farms

SIC 0175 to NAICS Crosswalk

This crosswalk provides a bridge between the replaced Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) --