SIC 0214 Sheep and Goats

SIC Code: 0214

Code Title: Sheep and Goats

Code Division: A - Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing

SIC 0214 Sheep and Goats Description

Establishments primarily engaged in the production of sheep, lambs, goats, goats'milk, wool, and mohair, including the operation of lamb feedlots, on their own account or on a contract or fee basis.

  • Feedlots, lamb
  • Goat farms
  • Goats'milk production
  • Mohair production
  • Sheep feeding farms and ranches
  • Sheep raising farms and ranches
  • Wool production

SIC 0214 to NAICS Crosswalk

This crosswalk provides a bridge between the replaced Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) --